Decreased Stem Cell Release Rates
A baby has adult stem cell circulation of 100% in their blood stream. When a child fractures a leg or has injuries and illnesses, they heal and repair quite rapidly because their system of adult stem cell release into the blood stream is functioning at optimal levels.
As we age, repair and recovery slow down. It takes longer to get over coughs and colds; longer for cuts and scrapes to heal; eventually longer to get out of bed in the morning. Part of the reason for this is that our adult stem cells are not released as efficiently from the bone marrow.
Scientific anti-aging research shows adult stem cell release rates from the bone marrow drop at an astonishing rate as we age, as per the following percentages:
- 35 years – the stem cell release rate has dropped by 45%
- 50 years – the stem cell release rate has dropped by 50%
- 65 years – the stem cell release rate has dropped by 90% (leaving only 10% of adult stem cells circulating in the blood stream and this is when we need them the most to fight disease, sickness, and just plain ‘GETTING OLD”!
Over time, like a car or any other piece of equipment, our bodies begin to wear out. Stem cell nutrition is a way to maintain optimal health by maintaining optimal stem cell function (like a younger person).
The good news is it’s not too late to combat the aging process. Your OWN adult stem cells will fight the “look old … feel old” war. Think about it – have you ever noticed the length of time it takes for a cut or bruise to heal now compared to when you were a teenager? The reason is, you have less adult stem cells circulating in your system now, compared to then.